We’ve joined 1% for the Planet!


We are pleased to announce The Outdoorist Oath has joined 1% for the Planet as a nonprofit partner! 1% for the Planet is a global organization that exists to ensure our planet and future generations thrive.

This partnership is intended to advance our impact as well as involve more businesses and individuals in the environmental movement. Anyone can pledge 1% of their profits to The Oath via this partnership, from individuals to business owners, to corporations! Business and individual members will engage directly with us by providing monetary donations, volunteer time, in-kind product and service donations, and other forms of promotion. We aim for longer-term support and great impact for everyone involved.

“The intent of 1% for the Planet is to help fund these diverse environmental organizations so that collectively they can be a more powerful source in solving the world’s problems,” writes Yvon Chouinard, co-founder of 1% for the Planet.

Learn more by viewing The Outdoorist Oath’s 1% for the Planet profile here.
